CBD and Brain Fog: Does it Help?

CBD and Brain Fog

Let’s face it, by the time most of us have reached our mid-twenties we’ve probably experienced brain fog at some point or another. Maybe you’ve suffered from a case of brain fog after coming home from a long day at work, after a night of drinking alcohol, or as a result of stress and anxiety.

Fortunately, in most cases brain fog is something that can be improved through simple lifestyle changes. Read on to learn more about what causes brain fog, the natural remedies that can reduce it, and how CBD can help.


What is Brain Fog?

Brain fog is a term used to describe a feeling of confusion, forgetfulness, and/or difficulty concentrating. Although this term has been used for decades, most doctors have yet to agree upon a specific definition.

Most cases of brain fog can be easily treated by making some quick changes to your routine.


Here’s What May Cause Brain Fog

The first step in improving brain fog is understanding some of the most common causes. Reflecting on the cause of your brain fog is most important step in treatment or prevention.

  • Stress – Stress is one of the most common factors impacting cognitive function. When we’re feeling stressed, our nervous system triggers a “fight or flight” response. This tells our body to release a hormone called cortisol. Although cortisol is helpful when we’re in danger, it can wreak havoc on our bodies when we’re experiencing long-term stress. Keep in mind that our bodies know we’re stressed even if we think we have everything under control!
  • Lack of sleep –  Sleep is critical for recovery, and nearly 30% of adults don’t get enough of it. Even one fewer hour of sleep and leave you feeling tired and diminish your cognitive ability.
  • Blood Sugar – Blood sugar fluctuations can also cause brain fog. If you frequently feel foggy after meals, then blood sugar may be the source.
  • Imbalanced diet – If you’re not consuming enough nutrients, then your ability to focus and concentrate will be greatly reduced. Some of the key nutrients that are helpful in preventing brain fog include iron, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin C


Though most brain fog is caused by environmental factors, it is possible that your brain fog could be caused by an underlying medical condition. If your brain fog symptoms are especially strong, then it’s best to visit your doctor to rule out any serious conditions.


How CBD helps with Brain Fog

Many people have reported that taking CBD products has helped them to combat the symptoms associated with brain fog.

CBD is a compound found in cannabis that is known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. When taken regularly, CBD can help you better manage daily stressors and promote a feeling of calmness. This calm in turn improves focus, decreases stress related anxiety, and boosts mood.

CBD can also be helpful in getting better quality rest at night.


Other Ways to Get Rid of Brain Fog

Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of brain fog, and any activity that reduces stress will go a long way towards improving your brain fog symptoms. Some easy to incorporate stress reduction practices are:

  • Meditation & mindfulness – 5-10 minutes a day can make a huge difference. If you don’t know where to start, Youtube has many beginner courses
  • Yoga – I love Yoga with Adriene for a quick 10 minute practice
  • Going on a phone-free walk for 10 minutes a day
  • Removing distractions (e.g. clean your desk, turn off unnecessary notifications)

You might have noticed that none of the suggestions above are asking for more than 10 minutes of your time. What are you waiting for to give it a try?

If you think your brain fog might be caused by work related stress, check out our blog post on how to better wind down after work.

Get enough sleep

Most people require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is a cornerstone of mental health, and even one night of poor sleep can impact your mood and productivity the next day. If you’re currently experiencing brain fog, then it’s possible that you’re not getting enough sleep.

Focus on eating more whole foods

A healthy diet is key to maintaining good mental health. Focusing on eating foods that are high in nutrients is a great way to combat brain fog. Some good foods to include in your diet include: leafy greens, avocados, nuts, seeds, fish, and eggs. I know it can feel overwhelming to have to switch your diet from one day to another. My suggestion – start small! Swap out dessert for a handful of almonds, or swap out the chicken for salmon.

I’ve found that the quickest & easiest way to pack my diet with veggies is to load up at breakfast. Mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, spinach, and cherry tomatoes are all great in an egg scramble. I chop all of the veggies on Sunday so it doesn’t take me more than 10 minutes to prepare.


CBD Gummies for Brain Fog

CLEO with palms

If you’re ready to try CBD for brain fog, our EASE gummies are a great place to start!

Here at CLEO, we love gummies because they’re discrete, portable, precisely dosed, and not to mention delicious! And unlike CBD oil, CBD gummies won’t spill in your bag!

Also, when compared to inhaling CBD smoke, the effects from CBD gummies lasts longer and is more predictable. Just keep in mind that gummies will take about an hour to kick in. The wait is worth it though!



If you’re experiencing symptoms of brain fog, don’t despair! I know brain fog can be extremely frustrating, but with the tips above, and perhaps some CBD, you can make to get your brain function back up to 100%.

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