CBD Pre and Post-workout: How to Improve Your Experience

Cannabis and workout recovery


If you’re reading this article, you probably enjoy working out. You might feel great after a workout, and like the physical benefits you see from it. But as with any routine activity, your workout can become stale and uninspiring. Fortunately, there are ways to make your gym time more exciting, engaging, and beneficial. If you’re ready to take your workout to the next level, consider adding CBD when working out.

CBD has been shown to improve focus and lower pain, while reducing stress and anxiety in users. This makes it a great addition to any routine that involves challenging physical activity. In this article we’ll explain why CBD is beneficial for your workout routine and how to incorporate it!


What’s the Point of Working Out?

Before we get into the benefits of CBD for workouts, let’s first look at the reasons people choose to workout. There are lots of reasons people hit the gym, but cardiovascular health and joint pain reduction are some of the most common. CBD can have a positive effect on both of these areas, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been shown to be a powerful painkiller and muscle relaxant, so it’s a great tool to have on hand when you’re dealing with aching joints or muscles that are overworked! Other common reasons people hit the gym are to improve their mood, their self-esteem, and their confidence.


What Can CBD Do for Your Mental Workout?

CBD has a variety of benefits, especially your mental state when approaching a physical workout. These include reduced anxiety and stress, improved mental clarity, and improved self-confidence. With this in mind, let’s take a look at how CBD can improve your workout experience from a mental standpoint.

  • CBD can reduce your anxiety and stress levels. If you’re someone who suffers from feelings of anxiety or stress when you go to the gym, you know how disruptive this can be to your workout routine. CBD can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress by activating receptors in your brain that reduce your feelings of anxiety. Additionally, it’s been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body, which can help to reduce feelings of stress.
  • CBD can improve your mental clarity. Many people report feeling mentally foggy during their workout. This can be a result of elevated cortisol levels and stress, both of which can be reduced by CBD. CBD has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain, which can help to provide a feeling of mental clarity during your workout. This may also come in handy if you find yourself struggling during an intense workout. CBD has been shown to reduce feelings of panic and improve feelings of being in control!
  • CBD Can improve your mood and self-confidence. Many people report experiencing an increased sense of energy and mood as a result of their workout routine. CBD has been shown to improve feelings of mood and self-confidence during a workout.


How Can CBD Improve Your Workout Experience?

Now that we’ve established how CBD can be beneficial to your mental experience, let’s take a look at how it can actually improve your physical workout routine. Here are some ways in which CBD can improve your physical workout.

  • CBD can reduce your level of fatigue. If you find yourself feeling fatigued during your workout, you might be struggling with insufficient hydration or glucose levels. If you’re not hydrated enough, your body will start to experience a buildup of lactic acid. This can cause feelings of fatigue and muscle soreness, as well as reduced performance in the gym. CBD can help to reduce feelings of fatigue by increasing your body’s levels of GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that can reduce feelings of tiredness.
  • CBD can reduce your pain during your workout. As we mentioned above, CBD has potent anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to reduce joint pain and muscle soreness experienced during a high-intensity workout.
  • CBD can help your focus stay on task. If you’re like many people, your workout can be a great opportunity to zone out and get some much-needed head space. However, you may find distractions keep you from focusing on your workout. CBD has been shown to improve focus and help your mind stay on the task at hand. It’s often referred to as an “inactive pharmaceutical” because it’s not a stimulant! This means you can use CBD without worrying about an excess of energy or jitters.


How Can You Incorporate CBD Into Your Workout Routine?

Now that we’ve established how CBD can benefit your workout, let’s take a look at how you can incorporate CBD into your workout routine. CBD pre-workout and CBD post-workout are both viable options. Whichever you choose is up to you, though there are some subtle differences between pre-workout and post-workout dosing.

  • CBD before your workout can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and pain during your workout.
  • CBD after your workout can help with inflammation, help your muscles to recover more efficiently, and provide a calming effect to help you relax to wind down.

It’s important to note that while CBD is a natural product, its effects can vary from person to person. It’s also important to monitor how your body responds to CBD and adjust your dosage as necessary. When in doubt about finding your dose, just remember, “start low and go slow”.

CBD and Workout Recovery

How To Take CBD Before A Workout

Pre-workout dosing of CBD is best done about 30 minutes before you head to the gym. This will give CBD enough time to take effect and help you get the most out of your workout. If you’re new to CBD, a good way to start is by taking a 25-50mg dose. This is a relatively low dose, so you can get your body used to the effects of CBD.

Be sure to drink plenty of water along with your CBD. You can increase or decrease your dosage based on your needs to achieve your desired results. For best results, we recommend pairing CBD with a workout-boosting herbal supplement like Ginseng or Rhodiola. This can help to improve your workout experience and maximize the benefits of CBD.


How To Take CBD After A Workout

Post-workout dosing of CBD is best done about 30 minutes after your workout ends. This will allow CBD to get into your bloodstream quickly and start working its magic right away! Many people report feeling a calming effect after taking CBD, which can be helpful to wind down after a high-intensity workout. Again, if you’re new to CBD, try a 25-50mg dose and increase or decrease from there to achieve your desired results.

Just remember that it can take a couple of weeks for the CBD to build up in your system, so remain patient and let the supplement work its magic before you rush to change anything in your dosage or routine.



There are many ways in which CBD can benefit your workout routine. From reducing feelings of anxiety and stress, and improving your mental clarity before a workout, to reducing your pain and inflammation, and just winding down after one, CBD has a lot to offer! CBD can be taken before or after your workout, and it can help to boost your energy and mood, reduce your pain, and calm your nerves. No matter what your goals are, CBD can help you achieve them in the gym!

CBD can help in many ways to live a healthier lifestyle. For more information on How CBD Can Help Lower Blood Pressure, check out our article here!

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